Real Money, The Liberty Dollar
Real Money, The Liberty Dollar, America's Inflation Proof Currency

Alert #22: August 11, 2008

Dear Liberty Dollar Supporters:

Thank you for the donations and orders. It is great to have your support!

I am very pleased that the Liberty Dollar is back with an amazing new issue!!

Announcing the new $1 Peace Dollar: Shortly after the FBI raid on the peaceful Liberty Dollar organization, a small group of dedicated supporters banded together to make one last stand for liberty before this country's monetary system collapses into totalitarianism - a political regime based on subordination of the individual to the state with strict control of all aspects of one's life by coercive measures including wire taps and torture. Sound familiar?! The supporters saw what was happening and had an incredible idea. They wanted to make one last issue in face of the mounting fascist government. One last stand for liberty and the people's right not to be defrauded by depreciating fiat government crap aka money.

Something to spark the rebirth of the Liberty Dollar and the noble ideals it represents. Something that everybody could afford. Something… Something… Something… but what?! Plus they demanded it be something that would deliver maximum impact and make a maximum statement.

This band of idealistic 'monetary guerrillas' saw the window of opportunity for the country and their secret project was small and closing rapidly. Metal prices were skyrocketing. They knew they had to act quickly. And they did. Now after more than a half a year, I can disclose that a new $1 Peace Dollar is now available! And I mean, available, RIGHT NOW! We have already taken delivery!

So will this be our last issue or only the last copper issue? That is hard to determine. Only time will tell. This is certainly a great opportunity to get a very special issue and help save the Liberty Dollar. So you are invited… hell, you are even urged to place your order now… right now! Due to our concern for another raid, I will not disclose how many $1 Peace Dollars are available. But we took delivery of thousands! Enough to make a statement and a stand for a value based currency.

As you can imagine, after the FBI raid on the Ron Paul Dollar, there is a certain amount of mistrust having thousands of politically sensitive Peace Dollars in any one location. Even if it is protected by the First Amendment! So the new $1 Peace Dollar has been stored in several secret locations to protect it from another fascist seizure and further frustrate those wrong headed little G-boys! The Liberty Dollar will not go down without this one last issue.

Here are the pertinent facts:
1. This is NOT the Peace Dollar that was on order at the time of the Raid. That Peace Dollar had STOP THE WAR on the reverse. This new Peace Dollar features the positive message and a tribute to John Lennon: GIVE PEACE A CHANCE. All previous Peace Dollar orders remain "pending" until the little issue with the Raid is resolved.

2. All $1 Peace Dollars are minted in one ounce of pure copper. It is reeded and measures 39 mm in diameter, the same size as the one ounce $50 Silver Liberty. We wouldn't want any confusion with the US Mint money! The obverse features Ms. Liberty with PEACE in place of LIBERTY and is dated 2008. Click HERE for images and to order now.

3. This is "fund raiser" will certainly be worth more money on eBay, just as the hotly auctioned half ounce silver $10 Peace Dollar continues to move on eBay at $150 to $250 each!!! History may well record this issue as one of the best buys, as there is a very limited number and they are less than a buck! How can you go wrong?

4. In addition to the General Issue, there are two very special Peace Dollar editions available: As the iconic Peace Symbol was omitted in the design, we have Hallmarked special Peace Dollars with the Peace Symbol. There are only 300 specially Hallmarked Peace Dollars at $5.00 each. Every one has been specially "cherry picked", cleaned and hand hallmarked so you will get the best-looking specimen. Just remember that as all are hand hallmarked, there will be some variety in the actually hallmark. Orders for such a unique item are limited to three per order. Click HERE to order.

5. The second very special Peace Dollar is a Limited Numbered Edition. There are only 400 of these and the first 100 were awarded to the people behind this courageous project. So only 300 are available. Each one has also been especially "cherry picked", cleaned and individually hand numbered by me and hallmarked with the Peace Symbol for only $9.00 each. This item will certainly be the hottest item as soon as it sells out. Limit 3 per order, please. Click HERE to order now.

Please Order Now: Please give this new Peace Dollar a chance as Liberty Associates can get the one ounce copper $1 Peace Dollar for only $0.90 each on the first 10,000 Dollars! After that the Liberty Associate rate will be Face Value. So please order now! The minimum LA order is ten and a maximum order is 100. If we don't sell out… we will make the balance available on a first come first serve basis at Face Value. Any order for less than 10 or for non-Liberty Associate (shame on you:) is Face Value plus minimum S&H.

Please click HERE to order online with our sole distributor, using your credit/debit card.

You can also place a phone order… if you can get through. Try 888.LIB.DOLLAR or 888.421.6181. Please bear in mind that the office is seriously understaffed and overworked right now. Plus Rachelle is busy shipping $1 Peace Dollars so it is best to order on line, please.

Or the fastest place to order Peace Dollar is probably your friendly Regional Currency Officer (RCO) who still distributes the Liberty Dollar… And if your nearest RCO will not lock in an order, remember you can call any RCO. Click HERE for a complete list of all RCOs.

Though not recommended with only a few thousand pieces available… you can still mail in your order to: Liberty Dollar. 225 N. Stockwell Road. Evansville. IN. 47715. Remember to make the check out to "Liberty Dollar." :)

And if you are around Evansville… the office is still open for walk-in orders. But please don't engage the ladies too long. They are dedicated to shipping the $1 Peace Dollar ASAP. You might even offer your assistance, as I am sure they will need it. Plus its fun to be involved "on the inside" with such a special project.

Although this is our last copper Liberty Dollar, I pray it will not be our last issue. Hell, I pray that you will also order some $50 base Silver Libertys too… The $50, $20, $10 and $5 Silver Libertys are in stock and shipping now! Get them while you can. The third issue of Arrest Dollars - only available until I am arrested - are also available in the $50, $20, $10 and $5 denominations.

Legal Action DEADLINE:
This Thursday, August 14, we will file our Answer to the US Attorney's Complaint. An Alert will be sent to you as soon as it is available. I have never stopped working to have your property returned which will certainly continue after I retire. Trust me your property is extremely important to the Liberty Dollar and me.

We have redoubled our efforts to demand your wrongfully seized property be returned. This will not happen overnight. In fact, this will take some time, but it will happen so keep those Warehouse Receipts as I look forward to redeeming them!

Class Action Lawsuit:
Please be aware that our legal action has changed several times as the government tries to define its ill-conceived case against the Liberty Dollar and your property. The Class Action Lawsuit (CAL) has been delayed due to the recent filing by the Assistant US Attorney. But you are still strongly encouraged to sign up for the CAL. In fact there will be much fun to be had shortly. You have until the government moves their case forward, so please sign up NOW.

National Public Radio (NPR) featured an interesting spoof titled: "The New Counterfeit Money" by the Bryant Park Project. At first you are lead to believe it is about the Liberty Dollar that it mentions. But soon the spoof becomes clear as Bryant Park discloses that he just made his own "counterfeit money." Available at:

Are you one of the thousands of monetary supporters who continue to use the Liberty Dollar? Charles Hampe, the RCO in New Hampshire, filed this report in reply to an inquiry:

Mike: Just use the Liberty Dollars. I would hope you are already an Associate and get a discount on your ALDs. Now just spend them. You will get into a lot of great conversations and will be spreading the word as well as the silver. I do not spend any time arguing with people who are stubbornly resistant. Better to concentrate on folks who are already a little suspicious of the "big brother" government money scat. An increasing number of them around.

Recently, I was driving through Northern NJ and found GREAT acceptance. The store at the service plaza at the northern end of the NJ turnpike accepted several while I was there. The first time the clerk checked with the manager, who said OK. On other later visits, there were no questions, just acceptance. I paid all my tolls going through New York with Libertys also.

Acceptance is off a little since the "move up" to the $50 Base, just like it was when it moved up to the $20 Base but not as much as you might think. The public does not generally follow precious metals prices. The main concept - that of using something with intrinsic value as money - has wide general appeal. Use your Libertys with confidence. Just be careful not to misrepresent them as legal tender or government money so you stay out of trouble.

You can do a lot more if you can enlist a few merchants to help distribute, and supply them with Liberty Dollars. At that point your money works for you and the time you put in per Liberty Dollar becomes less. RCO status is a big help at this point as RCO pricing allows you to make maximum money while distributing to Merchants. Plus as a RCO you can make special deals with Associates and Merchants.

I say, "Screw the negativity". My advice is to move on quickly when you encounter resistance. Do not push. The Liberty Dollar is a little like religion. You either believe or you don't. Trying to convert a non-believer is difficult and frustrating. Spend your time with the believers and have more fun!

These are incredibly tough times for the Liberty Dollar. Your donations of any kind, contributions to the Contingency Club, and orders are gleefully accepted. Seriously, your support is urgently needed, please.

American should not be at war! Get a $1 Peace Dollar for less than a buck and make a statement: NO MORE WAR! Take a stand and offer the Peace Dollar where you shop. It's only a buck!

Thanks again for your recent support.

Bernard von NotHaus
Monetary Architect / Editor

PS: WARNING: Get ready! The recent attacks on our liberties is about to escalate… BIG TIME. As the government money collapses there will be all kinds of attacks. Get something you can barter ala the Liberty Dollar. Check the food you bought for Y2K. Buy a little extra ammo. Get ready in mind and body, as I fear we are headed into a dark and dangerous area: "The Great Default" looms. Good luck America.
