Real Money, The Liberty Dollar
Real Money, The Liberty Dollar, America's Inflation Proof Currency

Government Documents

Return of property seized pursuant to Case No. MS-07-6337-MHW

Motion for Miscellaneous Relief Here - 09.22.2009

Motion to Dismiss Return of Property Here - 06.17.2009

Memorandum in Support of Motion to Dismiss Return of Property Here - 06.17.2009

Governments Reply to Liberty Dollars Opposition to Stay Here - 06.15.2009

DOJ Press Release Here - 06.04.2009

Arrest Warrant Here - 06.03.2009

Indictment Here - 05.19.2009

FBI Target Letter Here - 05.01.2009

Ruling on Motion for Return of Property Here - 04.13.2009

Motion for Return of Property (Entry and Order) Here - 04.08.2009

Motion for Return of Property Here - 02.03.2009

Letter to Claimants Here - 10.30.2008

Order Extending Stay Here - 10.21.2008

Reply to Lift Stay and Unseal Here - 10.16.2008

Government Responce to Motion to Lift Stay and Unseal Here- 10.02.2008

Motion to File Exhibit Under Seal Here - 10.02.2008

Government Notice Intent not to Reply Here - 9.18.2008

Motion to Lift Stay and Unseal Here - 9.18.2008

Order Granting Pro Hac Vice Here - 9.15.2008

Answer of Claimants Here - 8.13.2008

Answer of Claimants Exhibit A Here - 8.13.2008

Answer of Claimants Exhibit B Here - 8.13.2008

Answer of Claimants Exhibit C Here - 8.13.2008

Answer of Claimants Exhibit D Here - 8.13.2008

Answer of Claimants Exhibit E Here - 8.13.2008

Answer of Claimants Exhibit F Here - 8.13.2008

DOJ Complaint for Civil Forfeiture Here - 6.26.2008

Motion and Exhibits for Return of Seized Property Here - 6.17.2008

Demand Letter Here - 6.09.2008

Liberty Dollar v Henry M. Paulson, Secretary of the Treasury, Alberto Gonzales, Attorney General of the United States, Edmond C. Moy, Director, US Mint

Defendants' Motion to Dismiss Plaintiff's Amended Complaint Here

Brief in Suppport of the Defendants Motion to Dismiss Here

Declaration of Rene E. Smeraglia Here

Order Denying Motion to Dismiss Here

Amended Complaint Here

Amended Complaint - Exhibit A Here

Amended Complaint - Exhibit B Here

Court Order #2 Here

Order Granting Extension of Time to Plaintiff Here

Defendants' Motion to Dismiss Action Here

Brief in Support of the Defendants' Motion to Dismiss Action Here

Court Order #1 Here

Objection to Defendants' Second Enlargement of Time to Respond to Complaint Here

Motion for Enlargement of Time to Answer Here

Lawsuit Extention Here

Complaint Here