Silver with BenefitsLiberty Dollar provides a solution to our country's monetary problem and these benefits to every supporter who uses the value based currency:
1) Bullion Pricing: The new bullion pricing is a lot less so you can profit a lot more. The 2009 one ounce $20 Silver Liberty is based on the spot metal price plus a small premium for minting and distribution whereas the earlier currency pricing was derived from the face value and was much more expensive. 2) Volume Based: Bullion pricing by volume allows you to buy in bulk and distribute to your friends and businesses at a profit. Distributors, merchants and consumers can all profit by using the Liberty Dollar. One Silver Rate Schedule means that anybody can get the Liberty Dollar and profit. Spread the word and make more real money. 3) Spendable: Spend the $20 Silver Liberty and profit. The Silver Liberty has a face value of $20 allowing it to be easily exchanged in private voluntary barter transactions. Where the Silver Eagle has a face value of $1 and the generic Silver Round has no face value, neither are spendable. Spend the Liberty Dollar and profit!